Your roof needs to be drained well. This is very important to avoid any unnecessary damage to your roof, and for this purpose, most homes have a system of gutters and downspouts to direct water away from the roof. If you have different sections of roof at different elevations however, there is a possible problem depending on how your gutters are set up. Some homes will have a gutter that drains down on a different section of roof. The reasoning is that the water will continue running down that section of roof and down to the ground.
While this frequently is seen in homes doesn’t mean that it is a good practice. If you take a closer look at the roof on a home where this happens, you will notice that the area where the gutter drains has taken more damage than the rest of the roof. You can think of the pressure of water when you take a shower as compared to if you were to take the showerhead off and just let the water from the pipe stream freely.
A better method is to direct the water from the elevated roof straight into another gutter by using a leader.

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