When using your garbage disposal, do you ever have strange smells emanating from the sink? Some homeowners think that this is just the price they have to pay for the convenience of having a garbage disposal, but that isn’t the case. In fact, it is quite possible to keep your garbage disposal from smelling just by being a little bit careful in how you use it.
Smells from your garbage disposal are usually caused by organic matter breaking down that is stuck in the blades or somewhere in the machinery. If you throw fibrous vegetables down the garbage disposal, the fibers can easily get tangled up, so it is best to avoid grinding those up, but for regular use, just letting the water run for a while with the blades running after using the disposal should be sufficient to keep them clean. If something is stuck it helps to run ice-cubes through the garbage disposal. This won’t harm anything, but the crunch will clean off the blades for you.

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