Windows are the culprit in many energy-loss mysteries. It is a weakness in the wall where cracks and holes easily can form, and on top of that, while double-pane windows are fairly good at blocking heat transfer, they aren’t perfect. If they have a broken seal they will no longer function as intended and cost you money.
If you want to find out where there are issues, thermal imaging can be a very helpful tool, showing you exactly where the issues lie, but you can also try using the buddy system, even though this only will show you major issues.
Having a friend using a flashlight, they can aim it against the frame of the window and run it around the edge, allowing you to spot and holes and cracks from the inside.
If it is a wooden window frame, you should be able to do a decent job repairing it yourself as long as you have the right tools on hand.
If there is any wood rot, it is important that it is removed completely or it will keep eating away at your windows.

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