Wallpaper has seen its fair share of ups and downs in demand, and these days it’s mostly used by those that are trying to get a retro feel for their home, but there are some beautiful options out there to choose from.
When you are looking to buy a home that has wallpaper however, there is some reason for caution.
Wallpaper is an excellent tool for hiding defects in a home. There could be mold hiding behind it, or there could be cracks or holes in the wall. It is important to be on the lookout for discoloration in the wallpaper, and you should also feel the wall to find any spots that have a temperature difference or even moisture. If that is the case, some further testing is warranted.
If you choose to install wallpaper, you should make sure that you know what you are doing. It is very tricky to get some patterns lined up correctly, and if you get a panel on the wall crooked, it might be difficult to get it corrected without ruining the panel.

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