When the weather is changing, you will many times experience heavy winds. Some might even experience winds that are strong enough to damage their home, either directly or through what they blow along. Strong winds can also make it uncomfortable to be outdoors. So, is there anything that can be done to minimize the effect the wind has on your home? One long-term solution is to grow a windbreak.
A windbreak is a row of trees planted in the path of the wind that will divert it up and over your home. For it to be effective, it should be planted about 4 times the height of your house away.
You also need to pick the right type of trees. They should have thick foliage that goes low and stays on for the winter so that they protect you year round.
If you plant a quick growing tree, it will give you protection faster, but you should place a second row of slower growing trees behind it since these will last longer.

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