Throughout the US, coyotes can be found just about anywhere. A mix between domesticated dogs and wolves from a long time ago, these coyotes are scavengers, looking for food wherever they can get it, whether it be small animals some vegetation, or even garbage, making sure that your area is lockdown of coyotes because of the danger that they can present to your family and to your animals.
If you do happen to see a coyote around your property, it usually means that there are more than one, typically in groups of 4 to 10. However it is not unheard of for just a single coyote to be wandering, however they usually means that it’s sick which presents a clear danger to your family. The best way to prevent coyotes from coming on your property in the first place is to make sure that your animals are locked down and your garbage is locked down as well.
making sure that your animals, whether it be chickens cows or even cattle, have fencing around them & even a sheepdog or a guard dog of sorts in order to diminish the chances of a coyote getting through. Keeping these things in mind full of your family to continue to live in peace away from the coyotes undisturbed, and for your animals to continue to grow and safety.
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